How to Change your Daily Reality



This morning I was down by the river running an errand.

Being near the water felt so light and free – I thought how is this possible, how is this my daily reality?!

I sometimes think of living here as being in Neverland – there’s a child like magic to it.

Anyway I’d finished my errand and jumped back into my car. I was about to turn on the engine when the sunshine reflecting off the river caught my eye.

One voice (my ego) said “let’s go, you’ve been out all morning, you have shopping in the boot and work to do“.  Another voice (my higher self, my soul….) said

“go and get yourself in that moment”

I’ve learnt that the more I listen to my soul the happier my life is. So I quickly took off my socks and shoes and walked across the road in my bare feet to the sand. Jeans pulled up, I stood for about 15 minutes taking in the moment. The warmth of the sun on my body, the cool water on my toes and the sand beneath my feet.

It felt so good to simply be in that moment.

I thought back to a kinesiology session about a year ago.

One of the visualisations we did ended in me looking down and noticing my feet (in my minds eye). Well, when I looked down I was wearing thick wooly socks and my feet were about 70 years old! It was a rather funny moment – and when we stopped laughing, my kinesiologist asked me & my subconscious what would I like my feet to look like. I remember so vividly saying with tears in my eyes and that funny feeling in my throat, well 30 year old bare feet in the sand!

This was about 18 months after I began my journey to changing my mindset – through meditation and energy work such as kinesiology to support me.

It was this session that prompted so much change.

A decision to put our house on the market, to move interstate closer to my step children, to make changes towards the slow life we dreamed of.

For so long it felt unattainable, so unconventional and down right frightening.

I’m sharing this story to share a message of hope & inspiration.

What was it about that session that changed everything?

I got clear on what I wanted.

Maybe you are having one of those days. Feeling totally overwhelmed with daily life, with mothering little ones, dealing with feeling irritable & frustrated, things just not flowing. Maybe it’s relationships that don’t fill you with joy or friendships that feel hard work.

No matter where you are right now, YOU are the one person in the universe that can change your reality. It takes commitment, it takes inspired action and it means connecting to your intuition.

The very first way you can begin, is to notice what needs to change. What isn’t serving you. What feels uncomfortable, clunky, frustrating or outdated?

Scribble down on a bit of paper what your dream life looks like, or start even smaller and write down what your dream day as mama looks like.

When you get super clear on your goals, the universe is able to support you in making them your daily reality.

The next step is to commit to changing your mindset.

Maybe you already know that I am passionate about mamas meditating. Meditation begins to change our limiting beliefs on a subconscious level and aligns us with more abundance, momentum and flow in daily life.

If you do feel like you are clear on what you want, and you just haven’t seen the momentum in your daily life, then maybe something is out of alignment. Is what you are asking for really for your highest good, is there a little detail you may be missing. When this happens, I turn to shaking up my energy with a little de-cluttering, oracle cards, shamanic drum journeying, meditation and journalling by candle light as a way to try to connect with what my soul is asking me to hear.

So if something has resonated, go on and take some action towards changing your daily reality. Remembering, our thoughts create our reality and you are the only one who can change them! 

Thanks so much for reading, It’s really lovely to have you here.

Nat xx

ps. If you are new to meditation and want to get started, I have created a series of 3 minute mama mindset meditations, to help you switch from overwhelm & exhaution to calm & collected. Check them out over here.


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Hi I’m Natalie,

I teach mothers to hand-sew treasures for a magical childhood while delighting their own creative spirit!

My ebook Magical Birthdays for Children: A guide to creating wholehearted & mindful celebrations has offered inspiration & creativity to thousands of parents around the world.

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