Creating a happy home for our well-being & children

There is something so wonderful about a home. The smells, the textures, the comfort, and the sanctuary it offers us. It’s something that many of us simply take for granted. A familiar place where we can come back to, day in day out, a place to leave the world behind and connect to our families and ourselves.
There is also an unseen element of a home. A feeling, an energy, a vibe, and a sense that you receive as soon as you enter. This feeling comes from all our senses, not simply our sight.
In our busyness today, how many of us have lost the magic of our homes?
Maybe your home has become a place where you simply eat and sleep. Maybe it’s a place where you work or simply go about your daily life without too much consideration of the space itself.
Take a moment to consider what your home offers you.
Having children is one of those things that, without a doubt, brings us back home. After we give birth we usually find ourselves spending much time in our home.
For some of us, staying home after the birth is an essential part of our self nurture and that of our babies. For others, we feel our well-being is best nurtured by getting back out in the world and staying busy with outings. Either way, at this time of being a new mama, we inevitably spend more time at home than we may have since childhood.
Our homes offer us a wonderful opportunity to support our mindset, our emotional well-being, and that of our children.
If your children are experiencing behavioral issues or perhaps you experience anxiety or depression, begin by looking at your home. Of course there are many other things you will want to look at. However, our home is a very strong representation of ourselves and offers us insights into our inner world.
Here are some things you may like to consider to create a truly happy home:
Note that these considerations aren’t supposed to make you feel un-empowered and frustrated. By simply bringing awareness to these areas you can infuse a little more energy & love, and begin to see shifts in your everyday.
- Begin by simply bringing your home into your mind and asking yourself how it makes you feel. Do you feel overwhelmed by the clutter? Frustrated with the lack lustre wall colour? Or does it make you feel joyful and at ease?
- What do you spend most of your time doing at home? Do you enjoy this or would you prefer to be doing something else?
- Consider how your home smells. Do you use natural scents to uplift the energy and cleanse the space?
- What sounds can you hear in your home? Is the television or radio always on? Can you hear your children playing? Can you hear wildlife/ birds?
- What are the surfaces in your home like? Are they frequently filled with papers and clutter?
- What is the airflow and ventilation like in your home? Do you open the windows daily?
- Is there something that you often find yourself thinking in your home? “I must clear out that cupboard” or “When I have more time I will tidy the garden area” etc.
- Consider the way in which you arrange your furniture and the furniture that you choose to bring into your home. Does it bring a sense of warmth & does it delight your Spirit?
Sacred Spaces
- How do you tend to your home? Even if you have someone help you with the cleaning, do you give yourself time to potter and create little spaces of magic – vases of flowers from the garden, some beeswax candles, or other displays that speak to your Soul? Do you tend to any indoor plants? Do you spend time every so often cleaning out frequently used cupboards and drawers?
- What do the spaces that your children spend time in look and feel like? Are they aesthetically pleasing, warm, and comfortable? Are they cluttered? What is the quality of the objects in them – natural materials or synthetic? Do you spent time with your children making them tidy at the end of the day?
- Consider how much time you and your children spend at home. Consider the main activities of your children at home.
- Does your home offer little spaces of sanctuary for all who live there?
Need some more guidance?
Would you like to know more about creating a happy home? Simple ways to infuse a little magic into your everyday with children? I talk a little more about creating a high vibe home and lots more in my latest offering, Calm & Connected Evening Routines with Children. Check it out HERE.
It’s lovely to have you here. I hope you have found something that resonates and that you can take into your day with children.
Natalie xx

Hi I’m Natalie,
I teach mothers to hand-sew treasures for a magical childhood while delighting their own creative spirit!
My ebook Magical Birthdays for Children: A guide to creating wholehearted & mindful celebrations has offered inspiration & creativity to thousands of parents around the world.
I’d love to help you get started on your hand sewing journey...Jump on the waitlist for the Sewing Circle here or take a look at my other doll making workshops - Story Dolls & Waldorf Dolls.