Food for the Soul: Chicken & Parsnip Soup


Whenever anyone in our home is unwell, chicken soup (and bone broths) are the first thing I think of. Chicken Soup made with chicken bones is full of nourishing minerals, glycine and gelatin, that help to deeply restore the body as well as offering lots of comfort. Here is my super simple recipe for serving up a delicious bowl of soulful nourishment that is sure to be as well loved in your home as it is in ours.  I like to keep at least a few jars of chicken soup in the freezer for when there really is no time to cook and someone is coming down with something.

From the pantry

a whole organic pastured raised chicken

a few sprigs of thyme

a few tablespoons of ghee or coconut oil

1 brown onion – chopped into small pieces 

a few stalks of celery – finely sliced 

3 parsnips medium size – chopped into small pieces 

2 carrots medium size- chopped into small pieces

organic rice noodles (whatever amount is right for your family)

a small handful of fresh parsley

some fresh lemon – you will need a squeeze and some zest

sea or rock salt and pepper to taste

Let’s begin

PLACE the whole chicken in a stock/ le cruslet pot or a slow cooker, fill with water and add a few sprigs of thyme – turn on a gently simmer and allow to cook for the day. I sometimes place the chicken in the slow cooker overnight so that is ready for lunch the next day.

you will usually need to allow at least 5 hours to cook

ONCE chicken is cooked (it will smell delicious and the meat will be falling off the bone when you check it), turn it off the heat or turn off slow cooker and allow to begin to cool.

IN A SEPARATE saucepan add the ghee or coconut oil and gently simmer the chopped onion on a low heat until transparent. If the onion starts to catch/ burn, lower the heat and add a few tablespoons of water.

ADD the chopped celery and simmer for a few minutes on low heat

ADD the chopped carrots and parsnips and allow to cook for a few more minutes.

STRAIN chicken broth from stock pot/ slow cooker into the saucepan with the simmering vegetables. Again adding as much broth as soup as you would like. You could easily add it all (if the saucepan is big enough) and then freeze the left overs.

ADD in rice noodles and allow to cook for around 20 minutes until all vegetables are tender.

MEANWHILE attend to the chicken – separating the meat from the bones.

ONCE soup is ready to serve, add in the amount of chicken required.

BEFORE SERVING add in a little squeeze of lemon juice and a grating of lemon zest.

SERVE with fresh parsley



  1. Marnie on August 5, 2016 at 7:39 am

    This is a delicious soup, thank you so much for the recipe. Family loved it! xx

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I teach mothers to hand-sew treasures for a magical childhood while delighting their own creative spirit!

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