4 tips to Restore your Radiance after School Holidays


Today I’m chatting about 4 tips to get back your radiance after the school holidays. If you don’t have time to watch, here is a summary of the key points for all the busy mamas!

If you enjoy the video, I’d love you to share it with other mamas who could benefit.


Give yourself permission to restore

Holidays can take it out of us as mamas. Maybe you had a wonderful trip away or adventure or maybe you’re feeling exhausted after weeks of entertaining children and guests.  Give yourself the time you need to feel more you. Maybe it is meeting a friend for a coffee without children. Maybe this is saying no to outings or new commitments at this time. Your aim is to fill up your cup in whatever way feels good for you. If you still have little ones at home with you, can you do a swap with a friend for a few hours each or every second week to give you a little pocket to quiet time to yourself?

Recommit to your intentions

If you set an intention at the beginning of the year revisit this or if you are haven’t, take some time to think about what you would like your year or maybe the next few months to look like for you. Maybe “Flow” is your word, “Ease and Grace”, “Harmony”, “Fulfilment” or “Magic” – whatever it is that resonates with you. Maybe write it out, print it out and pin it up somewhere you will see it often. Maybe on your alter or sacred place in your home. Getting clear on how we want to feel, as opposed to how we currently feel helps us to realign our energy to what we desire and allows the law of attraction to begin working its magic!

Clear a little clutter

Without a doubt one of my favourite topics is clutter clearing and it’s remarkable ability to shift all areas of your life. Offer your home a spring clean –  start small if the thought of this sounds exhausting and keep it fun (put on your favourite music and diffuse some essential oils). Perhaps start simply one drawer at a time or maybe start with your children’s play space, to see the impact on how your children play! (You may like to read: Creating Space for Play: the basics) Clutter has an intrinsic link with our mindset and emotional wellbeing. Beginning to let go of clutter and possessions and re order things, offers us renewed energy and mental clarity.

Delight your Soul & Spirit 

What is something that fills you with joy? Perhaps tending to your garden, weeding, watering, planting. Maybe creating with your hands. Can you visit a local op shop and look for bits and pieces to inspire you, or maybe order some delicious fabrics, threads & materials online to inspire a little new creating. Maybe the kitchen is your creative home – try making a new recipe or maybe a new Yoga sequence. Maybe you love being in nature – what about taking a few minutes for yourself outside in meditation.

I hope you are feeling inspired to re-claim your radiance!

Thanks for watching and reading, beautiful mamas. Wishing you all a wonderful week ahead. Natalie xx



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Hi I’m Natalie,

I teach mothers to hand-sew treasures for a magical childhood while delighting their own creative spirit!

My ebook Magical Birthdays for Children: A guide to creating wholehearted & mindful celebrations has offered inspiration & creativity to thousands of parents around the world.

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