diary of a mama: tea + cake

In this photographic series “diary of a mama” I want to simply share inspiration and captures from my days with my children. Honouring the sacred work of homemaking and child caring. You’ve all heard the saying, “a picture speaks a thousand words”. My intention is for these images to fill your soul with nourishment and a deep knowing that the work you do in your home + raising your children is sacred.

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Hi I’m Natalie,
I teach mothers to hand-sew treasures for a magical childhood while delighting their own creative spirit!
My ebook Magical Birthdays for Children: A guide to creating wholehearted & mindful celebrations has offered inspiration & creativity to thousands of parents around the world.
I’d love to help you get started on your hand sewing journey...Jump on the waitlist for the Sewing Circle here or take a look at my other doll making workshops - Story Dolls & Waldorf Dolls.
love your pretty looking crockery in the 1st picture .. and the baby toes! oh so delightfully tiny x
These are such beautiful little snippets of your weekend. Those precious little toes are just adorable and very kissable. That tea cup is very pretty too. Wishing you a beautiful Monday. xx
Seriously beautiful photos. I especially love the last one.
I adore your kitchen. Love the baby toes and little fingers touching the freshly baked cake. And another beautiful butterfly crown…so many people oohed and ahhed over the crown you made for Skye! Everything here is so sweet and pretty as always 🙂 xx
Just so very beautiful! Your world seems so peaceful and full of light. Thanks so much for sharing a snippet of it. Hope your week is a lovely one 🙂 x
wonderful pictures! your kitchen is divine!!! visiting from Emily's…lovely blog you have here xx
beautiful photos! i love your kitchen sink and window and that tea cup is gorgeous. have a wonderful week x
holy moly, your kitchen is making me froth! One day (hopefully not too far into the distant future), we will be renovating our new house's kitchen and I am looking at the same style that you have, it is so beautiful! It's not an ikea kitchen by any chance? I found my "dream' kitchen there and it looks a lot like yours! Lovely images! 🙂
Little tiny baby feet! Ah, be still my heart! xo
*sigh* that was a delightful jaunt for my eyes. xxx
gorgeous photos!
Lovely photos, those little baby toes are divine! Jude x
Visiting via The Beetle Shack – gorgeous photos!
Just found you via Em. Love your pics, especially the foodie ones. And the summery skies – it's so cold and rainy here in England now…
your kitchen is my DREAM kitchen! I used to have those dining chairs too but they were too large for our space 🙂
thanks so much for joining in
xo em
Awww – leetle itsy baby toes, so beautiful… my tummy's gone all warm and fuzzy… (not getting clucky. deep breath. not getting clucky!) Love your photos. Adore your kitchen. A belfast sink is definitely on my wish list!
Hi Natalie, I have just discovered your blog this morning and what a gorgeous space to find. Love your kitchen and you gorgeous pics. xx Sonia
I LOVE the little butterfly crown, will you be making any to sell in your Etsy store?? I'd love one for my daughter for her birthday.
Oh thanks Lisa. If only it always looked that tidy!
Oliver (my husband) 'designed' the layout and built the cupboards etc (yes they are from IKEA and benchtops), the sink, taps, door knobs were all sourced separately elsewhere. The window I found at a salvage antique yard. We had a builder build the wooden rangehood, shelves and fit the window. We did the grouting (oh my how my photos and our house has changed! – http://thelittlegnomeshome.blogspot.com.au/2011/08/corners-of-our-home.html)
Natalie x
Hi Jes, Thank you! oh time is something I am so short of at the moment so I am not really putting any energy into my poor little ETSY store. I would be happy to make one for you depending on when you need it! Send me an email if you/ when you may like one and I shall let you know how I am going. Lovely to have you pop by x