Your Frequency is your Magic

I make pretty things but I don’t believe that this alone is going to change your connection with your child. ⠀
Bringing beauty, intention and magic into your home is what lights me up but let’s just take a moment to talk about frequency.⠀
YOUR FREQUENCY is everything – it affects all aspects of your life including your relationship with your children.⠀
It’s what magnetises what you desire to you. Whether that be harmony in your home, connection with your kids, or maybe simply creating a life that feels delicious & full. ⠀⠀
Many of the little souls that we are raising are highly sensitive and aware. Maybe you’ve noticed this with your own children? ⠀
You can pretend you’ve got your shit together all you like but they see right through it. I believe that our children are our teachers – they come with truth and they demand truth. ✨ ⠀
Wherever you are not showing up for yourself, being authentic or conscious of your frequency they will be throwing it back in your face. Not to piss you off – but to help you heal & be the best version of yourself. ⠀
I think it’s one of the hardest truths to admit as a parent – that we’ve got a load of work to do to meet these kids where they come in at. ⠀⠀
I stand for beauty, for a magical childhood and for intentional rituals for connection BUT I stand for this alongside consciously raising our frequency as mothers and one way we do this is by inner listening & answering the callings of our Soul. ⠀
So join me in creating beauty and bringing magic and ritual into your homes but consider also showing up for the deeper work.⠀
These two together is truely where the magic happens.

Hi I’m Natalie,
I teach mothers to hand-sew treasures for a magical childhood while delighting their own creative spirit!
My ebook Magical Birthdays for Children: A guide to creating wholehearted & mindful celebrations has offered inspiration & creativity to thousands of parents around the world.
I’d love to help you get started on your hand sewing journey...Jump on the waitlist for the Sewing Circle here or take a look at my other doll making workshops - Story Dolls & Waldorf Dolls.