


Creating Birthday Traditions for Children: A birthday number

One of my favourite little rituals in the lead up to the birthday is to create a birthday number for my child.  I use this on the birthday table and…

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The reality of Self Nurture for Busy Mamas

Self nurture is a choice. A choice you have each and everyday as to whether you will comply with outdated beliefs of “not enough time”, “it’s too hard”, “it’s unnecessary”…

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Why to Get Creative with your Children?

Motherhood offers such a wonderful opportunity to slow down and  connect inwards & access a part of us that may been hiding under layers of condition thinking: our Inner Child, our Spirit.  Once…

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5 Ways to Restore Balance: when you're operating on empty

what happens when you feel you can’t keep up with the day to day? When you have little ones that haven’t slept, you are solo parenting, you are selling the house (oh don’t…

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Creating Space for Play – How to Set up a Waldorf Inspired Play Space

A question that often comes up when chatting to mamas of little ones is: how do encourage my children to play independently, without constantly entertaining them? Children who play happily for short…

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How to Change your Daily Reality

This morning I was down by the river running an errand. Being near the water felt so light and free – I thought how is this possible, how is this my daily…

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Ways to Cultivate Calm at Meal times with Children

It’s a tricky time of the day. We are tired. They are tired. So how can we infuse a little more mindfulness and calm to the evening meal – which is really…

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A Busy Mama’s guide to beginning Self Care

As a mama with children to care for, it is so easy to get caught up in the busyness of the everyday. I’ve found that in order for us to ensure that…

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Meditation for Mothers: Getting Started

Meditation.  This is without a doubt my favourite mindset tool and one that I’ve experienced to bring changes throughout all areas of my life. Did you know that 20 minutes of…

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4 Tips to Support a Healthy Mama Mindset

I think its safe to say that we all try our best to be calm mothers. We don’t wake up each morning with the intention to get mad, frustrated or…

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